Berlin Festival of Lights // Garden for Berlin

Projected on the facade of the Singapore Embassy in Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz, Garden for Berlin responded to the competition’s open-ended theme of Kaleidoscope.


Kaleidoscopes were one of the first scientific tools in the 19th century to be made available to the entire public, not just a group of elite academics. In 1819, a journalist for the Royal Institution’s Quarterly Journal of Science and the Arts wrote, “A universal mania for the instrument seized all classes... and every person not only felt, but expressed, that a new pleasure had been added to their existence.” Garden for Berlin aims to renew this sentiment in a contemporary context, celebrating the use art and technology to evoke wonder in people by transforming everyday buildings into illuminated artworks. Garden For Berlin is part of the ongoing Garden Series; an exploration of female resilience through the shared language of non-beautiful or unconventional flowers.




Northern Crown